Golden Coconuts
Golden Coconuts

Most companies have Employees of the Month, but here at LuLu’s we have Golden Coconuts! A coconut, or “golden nugget”, caught at a Zulu Mardi Gras Parade in New Orleans is the most prized possession of New Orleans Mardi Gras. Since our LuLu’s anniversary (company wide) is on Fat Tuesday, the same day that Zulu rolls, and given the powerful influence that the great city of New Orleans had and continues to have on Lucy Buffett, it was only fitting that the person that best exemplifies the spirit of LuLu’s be crowned the Coconut of the Month and be awarded their very own coconut! We have a Coconut of the Month at each location and each year we crown a Coconut of the Year of all the monthly winners!
Click on each team member to learn more.